Leaflet 3 lacks a scalebar control. This is really too bad: we're showing a map of parks, and people need to know whether that pavilion is 500 feet or 1.5 miles.
UPDATE: This is now posted to Leaflet
I would be interested to hear whether this is something worth improving; the current customer is happy with it as-is.
UPDATED UPDATE: Apparently this is now in the Master version of Leaflet 4. Hooray for the late adopters, too bad for us early adopters, eh?
Leaflet also lacks a parser to convert OCG Well Known Text (WKT) into a Marker, a Polyline, et cetera. I have written the beginnings of one. Again, being centric to this project its development is 100% driven by the needs of this project. At this time it only supports LINESTRING and MULTILINESTRING geometries, converting them to L.Polyline and L.MultiPolyline
Here's the program code thus far. As usual, use as your own risk, no warranty of your computer not catching fire, and so forth.
/* * parse Well Known Text (WKT) and return a PolyLine, MultiPolyline, et cetera * params: * - wkt, String WKT to be parsed * - options, object to be passed to the new feature as it is constructed, e.g. fillColor, strokeWidth * returns: * - an instance of a L.Path subclass, e.g. L.Polyline * * The supported options depends on the type of feature found */ L.WKTtoFeature = function (wkt,options) { // really, this is a wrapper to the WKTtoFeature.parse* functions wkt = wkt.replace(/^\s*/g,'').replace(/\s*$/,''); if (wkt.indexOf('LINESTRING') == 0) return L.WKTtoFeature.parseLinestring(wkt,options); if (wkt.indexOf('MULTILINESTRING') == 0) return L.WKTtoFeature.parseMultiLinestring(wkt,options); }; L.WKTtoFeature.parseLinestring = function (wkt,options) { // split on , to get vertices. handle possible spaces after commas var verts = wkt.replace(/^LINESTRING\s*\(/, '').replace(/\)$/, '').split(/,\s*/); // collect vertices into a line var line = []; for (var vi=0, vl=verts.length; vi<vl; vi++) { var lng = parseFloat( verts[vi].split(" ")[0] ); var lat = parseFloat( verts[vi].split(" ")[1] ); line[line.length] = new L.LatLng(lat,lng); } // all set, return the Polyline with the user-supplied options/style var feature = new L.Polyline(line, options); return feature; } L.WKTtoFeature.parseMultiLinestring = function (wkt,options) { // some text fixes wkt = wkt.replace(/^MULTILINESTRING\s*\(\(/, '').replace(/\)\)$/, ''); // split by () content to get linestrings, split linestrings by commas to get vertices var multiline = []; var getLineStrings = /\((.+?)\)/g; var getVerts = /,\s*/g; while (lsmatch = getLineStrings.exec(wkt)) { var line = []; var verts = lsmatch[1].split(getVerts); for (var i=0; i<verts.length; i++) { var lng = parseFloat( verts[i].split(" ")[0] ); var lat = parseFloat( verts[i].split(" ")[1] ); line[line.length] = new L.LatLng(lat,lng); } multiline[multiline.length] = line; } // all set, return the MultiPolyline with the user-supplied options/style var feature = new L.MultiPolyline(multiline, options); return feature; }