Wednesday, December 26, 2012

CodeIgniter + DataMapper = Concise & Tight Access Controls

My goodness, it's been five weeks since my last posting. Too busy programming, to stop and write about programming. I'm sure you understand.

The topic today, is about CodeIgniter and DataMapper ORM, and how they can be leveraged to create sophisticated and secure authentication models. This will be a lengthy posting, as it covers a lot of ground. It will also be in multiple parts, as I post additional enhancements such as why you shouldn't store literal passwords as I do in my example below...

Introducing CodeIgniter and DataMapper

CodeIgniter is a MVC framework for PHP.

MVC is Model-View-Controller, an object-oriented concept of separating out complex in-object logic ("for a given Customer, generate a list of past Orders") from the front-end logic ("this is the My Orders page, fetch that list of past Orders from their Customer profile") and from the front-facing HTML presentation ("<ul> (foreach order in orders, print <li>) </ul>"). If you're not programming your non-trivial apps in MVC, you probably should be...

DataMapper ORM is an Object Relational Mapper. That is, it's a library which provides an object-oriented approach to your database tables using models. This bypasses the need for writing out SQL longhand, providing you with techniques for selecting, creating, updating, and deleting, as well as performing more complex relational queries. The resulting code is very readable and extensible, and much less of an eyesore than longhand SQL.

CodeIgniter is one of several popular MVC frameworks (CakePHP, Zend Framework). It is my favorite, due to its simplicity, its fast loading and execution times, and its willingness to let me break the MVC rules when I need to, e.g. to  use PHP calculations in a view template, or to print from within a controller method.

And in both cases, the documentation is quite good, always a bonus...

Basic Example: A Login Function

Here is an excerpt of the Controller and Model logic which implement the login phase.

The /site/login URL (the Controller's name plus the name of the function) accepts POST data 'username' and 'password', uses the User model to check whether the user-and-pass matches, then sends them either to /management (the Management controller) or to /welcome (the Welcome controller) based on the success. As a side effect, it sets session information which is vital later.

The User model houses the static method attemptLogin() which accepts a username & password and returns true/false.
class Site extends CI_Controller {
    public function login() {
        // attempt login. The complexities are hidden within the model, where such logic belongs
        // if login fails, we bail instantly
        $user = User::attemptLogin(@$_POST['username'],@$_POST['password']);
        if (! $user) return redirect(site_url("welcome/"));}

        // guess it was good, save their session token and send them to the control panel
        $this->session->set_userdata('userid', $user->id);
        return redirect(site_url("management/"));

class User extends DataMapper {
    var $table = 'users';
    var $default_order_by = array('firstname'');

    public static function attemptLogin($username,$password) {
        if (! $username) return null;
        if (! $password) return null;

        // fetch the user
        $u = new User();
        return $u->id ? true : false;

Some key points here:
  • The User model is a DataMapper subclass. Its one static method contains DataMapper logic: creating a new User handle, then querying "WHERE username=XXX and password=YYY" The determination of whether this login was in fact valid, is made by checking that the resulting recordset object has an "id" attribute in the current record. If there is no record with the given username and password, the resulting recordset would be empty and $u->id would be null.
  • Isn't that DataMapper code concise and readable? I am entirely comfortable with writing out SQL longhand, but if I can read out the logic almost like English, all the better!
  • The Site controller method shows how concise you can be with CodeIgniter. In the event of a login failure, the controller method (the "page" so to speak) issues a redirect to some other page (presumably the login or Forgot Your Password? page) and exits immediately.

So, our use case...

The use case here was a somewhat deep set of relations.

Organizations are a top-level entity. Organizations contain multiple Users, and a User belongs to exactly one Organization (one-to-many). Organizations have multiple Projects, and a Project belongs to exactly one Organization (one-to-many).Within an Organization, a User may only see details of a Project if they are on the Project's list (many-to-many), unless they are a Manager in which case they may see any Project within their same Organization. A Project has multiple Costs, multiple Actions, and multiple Comments. Actions have multiple Assessments and multiple Locations. A separate viewing mode on the front-facing site is available for each Project, with 3 access options: anybody in the same Organization as the Project, people in other Organizations, OR any non-logged-in user. The list goes on over an initial 15-page spec doc, a dozen wireframes and a few supplemental spec docs, and 8 hours of meetings, including lookup fields and various filtering needs...

And this is for a bunch organizations who aren't entirely comfortable with sharing their info with the central coordinating body in the first place, and where a data leak could be extremely bad (not "they know I live in Santa Cruz" bad, but "someone edited my report to indicate that I blew $20M on a project that went wrong, and I got fired" bad), so this stuff needs to be 100% secure. (which I always do anyway, of course)
        x Project
            x User
            x Cost
            x Action
                 x Assessment
                 x Location
            x Comment
                1 User
        x User            x Project

What followed was a set of DataMapper classes, with relations defined in them. Here are a few of the core classes, so you can see how one sets up the relations. It's so easy.
class User extends DataMapper {
    var $table = 'users';
    var $default_order_by = array('firstname');
    var $has_one = array('organization');
    var $has_many = array('project','comment');
class Project extends DataMapper {
    var $table = 'projects';
    var $default_order_by = array('title');
    var $has_one = array('organization');
    var $has_many = array('user','comment');
class Organization extends DataMapper {
    var $table = 'orgs';
    var $default_order_by = array('firstname');
    var $has_one = array();
    var $has_many = array('user','project');
class Comment extends DataMapper {
    var $table = 'replies';
    var $default_order_by = array('postedwhen');
    var $has_one = array('project','user');
    var $has_many = array();

There are back-end tables in the database, of course. There are the basic data tables: users, projects, orgs, replies. They all have a serial / primary id field. The comments table has a project_id field which is automagically detected by DataMapper and used to relate a Comment to a Project and vice versa. For the mapping of many Users to many Projects, and of Users to Orgs, there are standard join tables: users_organizations has two columns user_id and organization_id, and users_projects is similar.

An extra bonus: unlike Django, these models do not need to define the fields and their datatypes. DataMapper scans the table and uses whatever columns are present. We only need to define the metadata above, and the computer figures it out. (isn't that the computer's job?)

The only shortcoming here, is that you're on your own for creating the database tables. You can use whatever tool you like, though: command-line psql, MySQL Query Browser, phpXXAdmin. And in the case of the users-to-orgs and users-to-projects table, I had to run a failed query once so I could see the name of the table it couldn't find: organization_users, user_organizations, users_orgs, ... ? Still, that wasted about 2 minutes of my time, out of the 4 hours of reading and replicating the database as specified.

Tying it together: Controller Logic

Now that we have the relations defined, we can use DataMapper's genius to make some very readable queries, without tediously writing out subqueries.

// fetch all Users who have access to this Project (that is, who have a relation to it)
// Variant 1: build an array of User objects
$users = array();
$proj = new Project();
foreach ($proj->user as $u) $users[] = $u;

// fetch all Users who have access to this Project (that is, who have a relation to it)
// Variant 2: build a User recordset which could be passed through more filters by the caller
$proj = new Project();
$uids = array_map( create_function('$u','return $u->id;') , $proj->user );
$users = new User();

// Fetch all Locations under my same Organization (remember: Org->Project->Action->Location)
// Note the use of project.organization_id instead of
// This is marginally faster as it doesn't access the organizations table at all
$locs = new Location();
$locs ->where_related('action/project','organization_id',$user->organization_id)->get();

// Fetch all Locations which are for a Project Action for which I am a listed User
$locs = new Location();
$locs ->where_related('action/project/user','id',$user->id)->get();
// fetch a Location by its ID#
// and make sure that it's for an Action for a Project for which I an a listed User
$locs = new Location();

As you can see, a concept such as $costs->where_related('action/project/user','id',$user->id) is something you would use a lot when working with these sorts of relations. It's tedious but not terribly difficult to implement in SQL, ... but it's even less difficult when using DataMapper!

Tying it together: Controller Logic and Access Control

Okay, enough background. Finally time for what I promised: using DataMapper's supremely readable and flexible logic, to build super-high-security access controls.

This consists of 3 parts.
  • The User model has a wrapper function $user->hasEditingAccessTo($what) which returns true/false indicating whether they should be allowed to edit that object. The model is The Proper Place for such deeper logic, and this method accounts for the User's access level since Managers and non-Managers have different criteria.
  • The controller named Management (thus, all URLs under /management) includes as part of its constructor,the fetching of $this->user which would be the session's corresponding User.
  • The logic for any single controller method, then, can verify your access simply by checking $this->user->hasAccessTo() There's very little to copy-and-paste into every single method, and thus very little to mess up...

Snippet from the Management controller: the URL /project/123 would load up Project # 123 and print or process an editing form, but only if you're allowed.
// all functions in this controller, are only accessible if the session token is set and your access level is high enough
function __construct() {
    // load the user's User account; largely used for validating access to a Project
    $userid = $this->session->userdata('userid');
    $this->user = new User();
    if (! $this->user->id) return redirect(site_url('site/login')); // should be impossible, but it can't possibly be good if it happens
         // check their access level, and make sure it's Manager or else bail
        if ($this->session->userdata('access_level') != ACCESSLEVEL_MANAGER) return redirect(site_url('site/login'));

public function project($id) {
    $project = new Project();
    $ok = $this->user->hasEditingAccessTo($project);
    if (! $ok) return redirect(site_url('management/dashboard'));

    if (! @$_POST['save']) return $this->load->view('project_editing.phtml');
    // if we got here, it's a POSTed form so process it...   
The magic (rather, the brains) is in the User instance method hasEditingAccessTo() as follows:

class User extends DataMapper {
    var $table = 'users';
    var $default_order_by = array('firstname');
    var $has_one = array('organization');
    var $has_many = array('project','comment');

     // $this is a User object (this is the User model, right?)
    // Managers filter by $this->organization_id matching a $project->organization_id
    // Editors (non-managers) filter by $this->id being an associate of $project->user

    // Note a security practice here: We don't do "if manager, else" to determine whether
    // someone is a Manager, and presume that they're an Editor if not. Instead, use a switch
    // to account for Manager, Editor, and Other. This limits the possible impacts of any possible
    // upstream programming bug or failed security measure,
    // e.g. someone screwed up and used hasEditingAccessTo() without checking that the user is logged in.

    public function hasEditingAccessTo($what) {
        switch ($this->access_level) {
            case ACCESSLEVEL_MANAGER:
                return $this->_hasEditingAccessTo_manager($what);
            case ACCESSLEVEL_EDITOR:
                return $this->_hasEditingAccessTo_nonmanager($what);
                return false; // a level 0 (logged out) should never have even called this

    private function _hasEditingAccessTo_manager($what) {
        // a simple bail condition: the recordset doesn't have an ID#, the recordset is already blank,
        // probably because the ID# was tried at random, or maybe for a very-recently-deleted record
        if (! $what->id) return false;

        $ok = false;
        switch($what->model) {
            case 'user':
            case 'project':
            case 'action':
            case 'link':
            case 'location':
            case 'cost':
            case 'assessment':

        // the yes/no status is simply whether there is still an ID# after all that filtering
        $ok = (boolean) $what->id;
        return $ok;

    private function _hasEditingAccessTo_nonmanager($what) {
        // $what is a DataMapper recordset handle, e.g. a Project filtering by ID#
        // $this is a User object (this is the User model, right?) so $user->project is highly relevant here for finding associated Projects

        // a simple bail condition: the recordset doesn't have an ID#, the record doesn't even exist
        if (! $what->id) return false;

        $ok = false;
        switch($what->model) {
            case 'project':
            case 'action':
            case 'link':
            case 'location':
            case 'cost':
            case 'assessment':

        // the yes/no status is simply whether there is still an ID# after all that filtering
        $ok = (boolean) $what->id;
        return $ok;



CodeIgniter is great for separating out a non-trivial app into its MVC components. There are other MVC frameworks out there, but I like CI best for its simplicity, its fairly low number of magic behaviors, and its willingness to let you break the MVC rules.

DataMapper is overkill for more trivial database-driven apps, and it's not the panacea for every single use case. But for a complex set of relations (there are 33 tables in all, more than described above) it really hits the spot, saving a lot of tedious SQL.

The combination of MVC and DataMapper, allows us to look up a session User and then do complex relational queries, most notably permission checks, with comparatively little code and with very few places for bugs to creep in.

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