A trivial mobile mapping app, tying together the best of Leaflet, jQuery Mobile, and Phonegap/Cordova. This will form the framework for our future generations of mobile apps at GreenInfo Network.
For the narrative, I'll simply quote from the README file:
A starting framework for mobile maps using Cordova/Phonegap. A minimal but functional, standalone mobile app from which to build your own creations.
This app is designed for Phonegap/Cordova, therefore it is HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
Components of this app:
- HTML/CSS/JS layout -- The app is ready to compile and run via Phonegap.
- config.xml -- The app is ready to upload to Phonegap Build. The included config.xml specifies permissions, icons and splash screens, and more in an easy-to-edit template.
- jQuery Mobile -- A mobile-style user interface theme. Includes jQuery which makes JavaScript useful.
- Leaflet -- Quick, pretty, easy tiled maps.
- imgcache.js -- Cache Leaflet tiles to device storage, for offline use.
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