Saturday, June 21, 2014

FOSS4G 2014 is in Portland, OR

It's not new news that FOSS4G is in Portland, Oregon, USA this year. For me, this is most welcome since I live about 2 hours away from Portland and have friends who I'd be glad to see (much nicer than a motel).

It's also not news that I'm on the schedule, giving two presentations.
Warning: Some minor spoilers below.

Jumpstart your mobile app

My first dive into mobile app development, was of course using Phonegap (aka Cordova). The result was a starting place for future mobile apps: MobileMapStarter

MobileMapStarter is jQuery Mobile, Leaflet, a Map Settings panel to switch between basemaps and toggline online/offline mode for the map tiles, and a facility for downloading map tiles for that offline capability to work. It's really slick stuff, and is my most popular single project in Github.

More info:

Regional Conservation Strategy Viewer

The Intertwine Alliance is a conservation-oriented organization, with a regional focus on the Portland-Vancouver region of Oregon and Washington. Their Regional Conservation Strategy (RCS) is an information-packed document outlining conservation goals and strategies, specific regions of interest, and a model of habitat valuation.

This habitat valuation model is used to estimate the possible impact of projects, e.g. if you were to pave here how valuable would that habitat be that we're wrecking? And the RCS Viewer is a browser-based tool for perusing that model, selecting prefab areas or drawing/uploading your own areas, then getting back statistics and pie charts showing how valuable that land is.

And knowing what not to pave, is starting to make a difference.

More info:

See you there?

At least two clients will be there that I know, and it's likely there are more who've not mentioned it to me. It'll be quite cool to meet them outside of work, to learn from others, and of course ... to share my own discoveries and inventions with the world.

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